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Crisis Services

ASERT does not offer crisis services through our Resource Center. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health distress or thoughts of suicide please call or text 988 for support.

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Site: PAAutism

The Campaign for Disability Employment

Every day, people with disabilities can and do make important contributions to America’s businesses. They have the drive to succeed in employment, and the skills and talent they need to deliver value and results for their employers. These are messages that bear repeating far and wide. And that’s what the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is all about.

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The Employment Process

There are several steps that you can take when you are looking for a career path. As you work toward a career, you will have to consider what kind of career you want and what skills you have or want to learn. When you find your career, you will have to learn how to do the tasks that you are given and to solve problems you might face in the workplace. Follow this document to learn more about the employment process!

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The Importance of Completing a Premise History Form

This resource provides information on the importance of completing a Premise History Form and what should be included to keep you or a loved one in your family safe in the event of an emergency.

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The Juvenile Justice Process

There are many differences between the Juvenile Justice System and the Adult Criminal Justice System. This document shows the Juvenile Justice Process in PA.

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The Miracle League of the Lehigh Valley

The Miracle League is a baseball league in Lehigh Valley created particularly for children with disabilities.

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The Pros & Cons of Disclosing a Disability to Employers and Coworkers

This resource provides information for individuals with autism about the pros and cons of disclosing a disability.

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The Pros and Cons of Sharing an Autism Spectrum Diagnosis with Police

Sharing a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a personal choice. This resource is to help autistic individuals decide if they should share their diagnosis with law enforcement. This resource was created with support and reviewed by individuals on the spectrum.

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Theatre Horizon Autism Drama Program

Using a variety of dramatic techniques, Theatre Horizon’s Autism Drama Program inspires imagination, communication, and interest in personal relationships for individuals on the autism spectrum. Our classes help students develop social skills, verbal expression, empathy for others, and a sense of self worth and accomplishment.

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Think College

Developing Inclusive College-Based Transition Services for Students with Intellectual Disability and Autism.

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Tips and Guidelines for Using Mass Transit for Individuals with Autism

These information sheets provide general tips about using mass transit in Pennsylvania as well as specific information about using buses, trains, taxis, and the subway system.

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