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Crisis Services

ASERT does not offer crisis services through our Resource Center. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health distress or thoughts of suicide please call or text 988 for support.

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Effective training material includes relevant, robust content. However, to truly make an impact, training must be innovative and easily accessible to those who need it. To meet our stakeholders’ needs, we developed LANTERN (Learning Assistance iNstruction Training Education Resource Network).

Trainings available on LANTERN are collections of short resources designed for the busy lives of self-advocates, support persons, professionals, clinicians and caregivers. We also recognize the need for overall awareness and have developed trainings specifically for community members.

LANTERN tracks user accomplishments, provides proof of completion, allows learners to earn badges and points.

You must register for a PAAutism account to access these resources.

Featured Courses

Below you will find links to specific courses that we’d like to highlight and feature. These courses will change regularly, sometimes highlighting new content available, or special projects and topics based around specific areas of interest. Check out our current features or scroll down to access our full catalog of available courses.

project reassure: For Families and Caregivers

This learning path is a collection of the project reassure courses designed to guide families and caregivers in supporting their children to develop resilience skills when working through trauma. They will be able understand and recognize signs of trauma, learn about resilience and how to build their resilience, as well as helping those they care for do the same.

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