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Crisis Services

ASERT does not offer crisis services through our Resource Center. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health distress or thoughts of suicide please call or text 988 for support.

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Site: PAAutism

Active Shooter Social Story

This social story developed ASERT along with PEMA, provides a visual explanation of how to handle an active shooter situation.

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Appearing in Court Social Story, Parts 1-3

These social stories were created to describe the various aspects of appearing in court to individuals with autism.

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Assuring Health and Safety: What does that mean for the Direct Support Professional?

This webcast from the Bureau of Autism Services, provides information on waiver assurance, incident management, abuse and neglect, restrictive procedures and assuring health & safety for direct support professionals who work with individuals who have autism.

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Autism & Sexuality

This video recording of Dr. Peter Gerhardt's keynote presentation "Sexuality & Sexuality Instruction with Learners with ASD: What Behavior Analysts and Others Need to Know" provides an overview of the issues people with autism face regarding sexuality.

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Autism and Wandering

This specific resource is a brochure with suggestions for keeping someone with autism who wanders safe. Topics include definitions, how to secure your home, suggestions to prevent wandering, and how to alert people who can help.

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Autism Safety Tips in a Healthcare Setting

As the number of Pennsylvanians diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) continues to grow, healthcare facilities are seeing an increase in the number of these individuals seeking care. Negative interactions with the healthcare system and concerns about the quality of care provided to this population have been reported by individuals with ASD, their families and healthcare providers. The Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority received 138 event reports involving patients with ASD from July 2004 through August 2014. Thirteen of the events were Serious Events and caused harm to the patient. Analysis of event report narratives revealed 12 patient safety concern themes involving patients with ASD. Know what you can do as an ASD patient or family member to improve care while using the healthcare system.

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Avoid Coronavirus Scams

This resource from the Federal Trade Commission provides information on avoiding Coronavirus scams.

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Be Safe Resource Collection

This is a collection of resources from various sources on the topic of safety for individuals with autism. This resource provides information on how to prevent harm and intervention techniques for when safety is compromised.

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Be Safe: Abusive Behaviors Social Story

These resources, part of the Be Safe resource collection, are social stories that provide information for individuals with autism on what are abusive behaviors, including physical abuse.

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Be Safe: Consensual Touch Social Story

This resource, part of the Be Safe resource collection focused on the prevention of sexual abuse and assault, provides information on consensual touch in a visual format.

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