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Crisis Services

ASERT does not offer crisis services through our Resource Center. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health distress or thoughts of suicide please call or text 988 for support.

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Parents and Caregivers

Raising a loved one with autism presents some unique challenges for those entrusted with their care. ASERT is here to support, inform, and empower parents and caregivers of individuals on the spectrum.

Check out some of our top resources highlighted below, or search through the hundreds of resources available for parents and caregivers!

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Resource Collection

This collection of resources provides information on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) including: an introduction to ABA, how you can tell if your child is receiving ABA services, what to consider when choosing a provider, information on insurance coverage for ABA services and more.

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Be Safe Resource Collection

This is a collection of resources from various sources on the topic of safety for individuals with autism. This resource provides information on how to prevent harm and intervention techniques for when safety is compromised.

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Medicaid Waivers for Individuals with Autism

This page is about Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers in Pennsylvania. HCBS Waivers are a type of Medicaid program that provides long-term services and supports to groups of people who need support to live in their communities.

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Emergency Preparedness Shelter Toolkits

These trauma-informed sensory positive toolkits were developed in partnership with the PA Department of Human Services for the purpose of informing self-advocates, shelter staff/volunteers, families, caregivers, and Direct Support Professionals (DSP) on how to best support persons with sensory needs, including individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism in a disaster shelter setting. These toolkits are available to download, print, and share.

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Search within Parents and Caregivers resources

American Academy of Pediatrics Autism Resources

The American Academy of Pediatrics offers a variety of resources including trainings, toolkits, and books that can be useful for parents of children with autism.

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Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Resource Collection

This collection of resources provides information on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) including: an introduction to ABA, how you can tell if your child is receiving ABA services, what to consider when choosing a provider, information on insurance coverage for ABA services and more.

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Applying for Medicaid for a Child with a Disability: PH-95 Category

You can apply for Medicaid in many ways in Pennsylvania. The PH-95 Category is one way. This resource provides information for families on how to apply using the PH-95 category for children under teh age of 18, with disabilities.

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Are You Ready?

This resource includes a webinar on strategies in preparing individuals who have a variety of needs for disasters and emergencies, including individuals who use assistive technology (AT). The resource also includes a brochure on "Emergency Preparedness for People Who Use Assistive Technology."

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Asian Family Health Workgroup: Parent tips on autism

This resource, developed by the Asian Family Health Workgroup, provides parent tips about autism. The resource is available in both English and Chinese.

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ASSIST: Autism Sensory Strategies, Information, and Toolkit

This guide explains sensory features and how to support individuals on the autism spectrum who have a negative experience related to sensory features.

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Assistance with Medical Bills

With the rising cost of medical services it can be difficult to afford appropriate and necessary care. This resource provides information on organizations that may be able to help with the costs of healthcare.

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Assistive Technology in the Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Appropriate assistive technology (AT) devices and services can allow students with disabilities to participate in and benefit from the general education curriculum and to meet Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals. The purpose of this brochure is to provide guidance to the special educators, related service providers, and parents as they develop Individual Education Programs (IEP) for students using assistive technology.

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At the Library Social Story, Parts 1-2

These social stories were created to describe the various aspects of the library to individuals with autism.

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Autism & Safety (National Autism Association Safety Initiative)

Wandering can occur anywhere at anytime. The first time can often be the worst time. This is a brochure with suggestions for keeping someone with autism who wanders safe.

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