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Be Safe: Treatment for Sexual Abuse and Assault Social Story, Parts 1-4


These resources, part of the Be Safe resource collection, are a series of social stories that explain the different types of treatment that are available for individuals with autism who have experienced sexual abuse or assault. Treatment options include Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

Part 1: Basic Therapy

A woman says to another woman,

If bad things have happened to me, I might be asked to talk with a therapist.

A woman who is a therapist says to her patient,

Talking about what happened can be really hard.

A therapist tells a woman to have a seat and make herself comfortable. The woman says,

The therapist will try to help me feel safe and calm.

A therapist asks a woman to calmly tell her what happened. The woman says it started with a man calling her pretty.

The therapist might help me practice talking about the bad stuff that happened.

A therapist asks a woman what to do if she doesn't like being touched. The woman says to yell

The therapist might help me practice things that are scary.

A therapist tells a woman to keep practicing deep breathing and relaxation. The woman says she will come back next week.

I will probably see the therapist every week to practice feeling safe and calm.

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Part 2: Cognitive Behavior Therapy

A woman stands across from a man with her hands on his arms.

If something bad has happened to me, I might be asked to talk with a therapist.

A man with his hands on his forehead sits in a chair next to his therapist.

When I see the therapist, I should try my best to say how I am feeling.

A therapist sits in a chair next to his patient and says,

Sometimes the therapist will ask me to talk about what I'm thinking.

A therapist sits in a chair next to his patient and says,

The therapist will try to help me thing about stuff in a new way.

A therapist stands across from his patient and says,

The therapist might ask me to do things that are a little scary.

A man says

To help me do this, the therapist will also teach me ways to feel calm and safe.

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Part 3: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

A woman who is a therapist talks to a woman who is a patient in the center of the image.

If something bad has happened to me, I might be asked to talk with a therapist.

A therapist sits across from a woman and says,

Sometimes the therapist might have me watch something go back and forth.

A woman sits at a desk watching a computer while wearing headphones.

Sometimes the therapist might have me listen to sounds.

A therapist says,

While things go back and forth, the therapist will ask me to think about the bad things that happened.

A therapist says to a woman across from her,

Other times, the therapist will ask me to think about good things.

A therapist sits across from a woman and says,

When I am with the therapist, I should remember that I am in a safe place.

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Part 4: Narrative Therapy (NET)

A man sits on a couch with a woman, who has her hand on his shoulder. She says,

If bad things have happened to me, I might be asked to talk with a therapist.

A therapist on a chair asks a man lying on a couch,

Sometimes the therapist will ask me about how I was feeling.

A therapist sitting on a chair asks a man lying on a bed,

Sometimes the therapist will ask me about what else was happening around me.

A therapist on a chair says to a man lying on a bed,

The therapist might ask me to practice being calm while talking about the bad things.

A therapist asks,

The therapist might ask about other stuff in my life.

A therapist sitting on a chair asks,

At the end, the therapist might ask me to make a story about my life.

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Other downloads

Name Description Type File
Part 1 Basic Therapy pdf Download file: Part 1
Part 2 Cognitive Behavior Therapy pdf Download file: Part 2
Part 3 Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) pdf Download file: Part 3
Part 4 Narrative Therapy (NET) pdf Download file: Part 4

This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.