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Be Safe: Abusive Behaviors Social Story


These resources, part of the Be Safe resource collection, are social stories that provide information for individuals with autism on what are abusive behaviors, including physical abuse.

Part 1: Abusive Behaviors

A tall boy with an angry look on his face reaches an arm out toward a small, worried-looking boy wearing a backpack.

People might try different ways to get me to do things that I don’t like.

A tall boy with a raised arm yells,

They might call me names or say mean things.

One boy says to another boy who is walking away,

They might say that they won’t be my friend or care about me

A small, crying girl asks a tall girl for homework help. The tall girl laughs and says,

They might not help me when I need it.

A tall girl with a grin on her face holds a small, crying girl's book after taking it from her.

They might take things away from me.

A tall boy stands with his arms raised over a small young boy who tries to protect himself.

They might even hit me or hurt me in other ways.

A boy yells swear words at a girl who has her arms raised and a scared look on her face.

They might try to scare me.

A boy puts his foot out in front of a girl who trips and falls as a result.

It is not ok for people to do mean things to me.

A boy standing with his arms outstretched says,

If someone tries to do these things, I should tell them to "stop".

A girl says to her father,

If people do these things to me, I should tell an adult that I trust.

A father says to his daughter,

I am in charge of my body.

A smiling girl says,

No one is allowed to touch me unless I say it is ok.

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Part 2: What is Physical Abuse?

A tall girl puts her foot out in front of another girl who trips and falls as a result.

Physical abuse is when somebody hurts me on purpose.

A tall boy stands with his arms raised over a small young boy who tries to protect himself.

Hitting, kicking and biting are some of the ways people might try to hurt me.

A small young boy stands next to a tall boy and says,

It is not okay for someone to touch me these ways.

A young boy stands next to a trusted adult and tells her,

If someone hurts me, I should tell an adult that I trust.

A smiling young boy stands next to a trusted adult, who says,

I can choose who touches me.

A smiling young boy with his arms crossed is shown in the center of the image.

I am in charge of my body.

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Part 1 Abusive Behaviors pdf Download file: Part 1
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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.