Crisis Services
ASERT does not offer crisis services through our Resource Center. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health distress or thoughts of suicide please call or text 988 for support.
ASERT does not offer crisis services through our Resource Center. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health distress or thoughts of suicide please call or text 988 for support.
This resource, developed by ASERT for ASDNext, provides information on the types of bullying and ways to prevent it from happening.
Bullying is defined as purposeful, unwanted, aggressive behavior that is meant to inflict pain, discomfort or fear. It is often repeated over time and includes an unequal balance of power.
Saying or writing mean things. Includes teasing, insults, name-calling or threats.
Hurting someone’s reputation or causing embarrassment. Includes, lying or spreading rumors in person or online.
Hurting a person’s body or possessions. Includes hitting, kicking, pushing, spitting, stealing or breaking someone’s things.
Avoid the bully if possible. Sit in a new spot, take a different path to class and try to be away from them as much as possible.
Don’t get singled out– travel with a friend or in a group. If you know when the bully may approach, make sure
you’re not alone during that time.
Act confident, even if you’re not. Doing things like: standing tall, making eye contact, and looking happy when you’re with others can all help.
Stand up for yourself and be assertive.
Talk using a calm but firm voice.
Use “I” statements like “I think…” or “I feel…”
Try to walk away as though the bullying didn’t bother you. Most bullies like making others feel bad, so if you can act like it didn’t bother you, they may leave you alone.
Report the bullying to a trusted adult.
This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.