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Be Safe: Okay and Not Okay Touches Social Story


This resource, part of the Be Safe resource collection, is a social story for individuals with autism to understand what touches are okay and not okay.

A hand with a thumbs is shown in the center of the image.

Some touches are safe and okay.

Two hands high five at the top of the image and a handshake is shown at the bottom.

High fives and handshakes are okay touches.

A boy sits with his arms around his mother, who is reading a book.

Goodnight hugs and kisses from mom and dad are also okay touches.

A pointing hand is shown inside a red circle with a diagonal line through it.

Some touches are NOT okay.

A girl holds a man's hand on the left, but says

I get to choose who is allowed to touch me.

A smiling girl with outstretched arms says,

I can also choose when people are allowed to touch me.

A girl with her arms around a woman says,

It is NOT okay for someone to hug or kiss me unless I say it is okay.

A boy says to a man on his left,

It is NOT okay for someone to rub my body unless I say it is okay.

A woman says to a boy,

It is NOT okay to touch my private parts unless I say it is okay.

A boy with a grin on his face pulls the hair of an upset girl.

Hitting and pulling hair are NEVER okay.

A smiling boy stands in the center of the image with his arms raised above his head.

I am in charge of my body.

A smiling girl with outstretched arms stands next to a boy on her right. He says,

People should only touch me when I say it is okay.

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.