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Be Safe: Saying No Social Story


This resource, part of the Be Safe resource collection, is a social story showing individuals with autism how to say "no" if someone is touching them. This resource can be used to educate individuals on how to keep themselves safe, as well as help to prevent an individual who has already experienced sexual abuse or assault from being victimized again.

A smiling girl stands in the center of the image wearing a polka-dot dress.

I am in charge of my body, and I can choose who touches me.

A smiling girl stands in the center of the image wearing a bathing suit.

My private parts are the parts of my body covered by a bathing suit.

A man is touching a young girl who doesn't want the man to touch her. The girl says,

If someone is touching me and I don’t want them to, I should say “no” or “stop”

A man is touching a young girl who doesn't want the man to touch her. The girl says,

I should say it loudly.

A young girl walks away from a man into another room.

If they don't stop, I should try to leave and go into a room where I am safe.

A young girl says to her dad,

If someone touches me and I don’t like it, I should tell a parent or another adult I trust.

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.