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Coronavirus Social Story


This resource provides a visual guide for individuals with autism about the coronavirus and how to stay healthy. This resource is also available in Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic.

A boy with a worried expression.

Coronavirus is an illness that makes people sick.

A sick boy coughs into his hand.

I can get this by being near sick people when they cough or sneeze.

A sick boy covers his cough with a tissue.

I can also get it if I touch something a sick person sneezed on, coughed on, or touched.

Grouped symbols of people inside a red circle with a line across it.

To stay healthy, I should avoid places where there are lots of people.

Two hands with soap.

I should wash my hands when I cough, sneeze, or use the bathroom.

A sick boy holding his hand near his face.

I should try to not touch my face.

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A boy with a worried expression.

El coronavirus es una enfermedad que enferma a las personas.

A sick boy coughs into his hand.

Puedo contagiarme al estar cerca de personas enfermas cuando tosen o estornudan.

A sick boy covers his cough with a tissue.

También puedo contagiarme si toco algo donde una persona enferma tosió o estornudó, o algo que esta persona tocó.

Grouped symbols of people inside a red circle with a line across it.

Para mantenerme sano, debo evitar lugares donde haya mucha gente.

Two hands with soap.

Debo lavarme las manos cuando tosa, estornude o use el baño.

A sick boy holding his hand near his face.

Debo tratar de no tocarme la cara.

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A boy with a worried expression.

فيروس كورونا هو مرض يصيب الأفراد.

A sick boy coughs into his hand.

يمكن أن تنتقل العدوى إليّ من الرذاذ الناتج عن سعال أو عطاس الأفراد.

A sick boy covers his cough with a tissue.

ويمكن أن تنتقل العدوى إليّ إذا لامست شيئًا لمسه شخص مريض أو عطس أو سعل عليه.

Grouped symbols of people inside a red circle with a line across it.

ينبغي عليّ أن أتجنب الذهاب إلى الأماكن التي يوجد بها الكثير من الناس حتى أحافظ على صحتي.

Two hands with soap.

ينبغي عليّ أن أغسل يدي عندما أسعل أو أعطس أو أستخدم المرحاض.

A sick boy holding his hand near his face.

ينبغي عليّ أن أحاول عدم لمس وجهي.

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A boy with a worried expression.

Коронавирус — это заболевание, которое передается от человека к человеку.

A sick boy coughs into his hand.

Я могу заразиться им, находясь рядом с больными людьми, которые кашляют или чихают.

A sick boy covers his cough with a tissue.

Также я могу заразиться им, если дотронусь до чего-то, на что чихнул или кашлянул больной человек, или до чего он тоже дотронулся.

Grouped symbols of people inside a red circle with a line across it.

Чтобы не заболеть, мне следует избегать мест скопления большого количества людей.

Two hands with soap.

Мне необходимо мыть руки после того, как я кашляну, чихну или схожу в туалет.

A sick boy holding his hand near his face.

Мне нужно стараться не трогать свое лицо.

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A boy with a worried expression.


A sick boy coughs into his hand.


A sick boy coughing into a tissue.


Grouped symbols of people inside a red circle with a line across it.


Two hands with soap.

在我咳嗽、打喷嚏或是如厕之 后,我应该清洗双手。

A sick boy holding his hand near his face.


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Coronavirus Social Story: Russian Russian pdf Download file: Coronavirus Social Story: Russian
Coronavirus Social Story: Chinese Chinese pdf Download file: Coronavirus Social Story: Chinese
Coronavirus Social Story: Spanish Spanish pdf Download file: Coronavirus Social Story: Spanish
Coronavirus Social Story: Arabic Arabic pdf Download file: Coronavirus Social Story: Arabic

This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.