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Dental Surgery and Sedation Social Stories

Dental Surgery with General Anesthesia

Graphic of a dentist office.

I am going to see the dentist to have surgery on my teeth.

Graphic of a woman checking in at the front desk of a dentist office.

First, I will check in at the front desk and get a bracelet with my name and birthday, so they know who I am.

Graphic of a person getting their blood pressure measured.

Next, I will sit in the waiting room until the nurse calls my name. The nurse may check my height, weight, temperature, and blood pressure.

Graphic of a hand with a pulse oximeter on one finger. it measures oxygen in the blood.

The nurse may place a clip on my finger to check my pulse to tell them how I am breathing. It won’t hurt.

Graphic of a woman dressed in a hospital gown.

I will change into hospital pajamas and socks. The pajamas look like a long shirt that opens in the back.

Graphic of a Doctor giving a patient sleep medicine.

I will meet one of the doctors, who will give me my sleep medicine during my surgery. I may swallow the medicine or breathe it in through a soft mask that goes over my nose and mouth.

Graphic of a patent waking up in the recovery room.

I will get an IV in my arm or hand. This is a tiny tube that helps give me medicine and water during and after surgery. The nurse will take it out when it is time to go home.

Graphic of a surgery room with a dentist operating on a patient.

In the surgery room, I will lie on a bed with a pillow. The doctors and nurses that I met will be wearing masks, hats, and gloves to help keep me safe from germs.

Graphic of woman receiving sleep medication .

A doctor will put a special mask over my nose and mouth and I will fall asleep. It will not hurt.

When my surgery is done, the doctor will help me wake up. When I wake up, I will be in a special room called the recovery room.

Graphic of a boy waking up in the recovery room, he is dizzy.

I may feel dizzy or like I may throw up after I wake up. My mouth may hurt. The nurse can give me medicine to help.

Graphic of the Dentist talking to us.

When my doctors say it is okay, I can go home. I may need to take medicine and eat soft food until my mouth is feeling better.

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Dental Sedation in the Office

Graphic of a dentist office.

I am going to the dentist to get my teeth fixed.

Graphic of a woman checking in at the front desk of a dentist office.

I will check in at the front desk and then wait until they call my name.

Graphic of a person getting their blood pressure measured.

The dental assistant will call my name and take me to a different room. They may check my height, weight, temperature, and blood pressure.

Graphic of a hand with a pulse oximeter on one finger. it measures oxygen in the blood.

They may place a clip on my finger to check my pulse and how I’m breathing. It won’t hurt.

Graphic of bottles of medicine.

The dentist will give me some medicine to help me relax and be calm during my visit.

Graphic of woman receiving sleep medication .

I may swallow the medicine or breathe it in through a soft mask that goes over my nose and mouth.

Graphic of a family supporting their child at the dentist office.

When the dentist is done, I wake up in a special room with my family nearby.

Graphic of a boy with a green face, he is feeling sick to his stomach.

I may feel dizzy or like I may throw up after I wake up.

Graphic of boy with pain in his mouth.

My mouth may hurt.

Graphic of a dentist giving a patient medicine.

The dentist can give me medicine to help.

Graphic of a dentist giving two thumbs up.

When my dentist says it is okay, I can go home.

Graphic of soft foods like soup and a milkshake.

I may need to take medicine and eat soft food until my mouth is feeling better.

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Name Description Type File
Dental Sedation in the Office. This resource explains what to expect if you need to get sedation in the Dentist's office. pdf Download file: Dental Sedation in the Office.
Dental Surgery with General Anesthetic. This resource explains what to expect if you need to get general anesthetic at the dentist's office. pdf Download file: Dental Surgery with General Anesthetic.

This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.