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Be Well, Think Well: Depression Social Stories

Two faces next to each other. Face on the left is sad. Face on the right is mad.

Everyone feels sad or mad sometimes.

A man with a sad expression raising his hand to his face.

Feeling sad or mad for a long time might be depression.

A man crying with both hands raised at his face.

You might cry more often if you are depressed.

A man with an surprised expression and his hands together at his chest. A burger, fries, ice cream, and pizza slice surround him.

You might eat more or much less than you usually do if you are depressed.

A man with one hand raised and angry expression saying

Depression might make you not like to do the things you used to do.

A man in an orange shirt saying,

It is important to tell a trusted person or doctor how you are feeling.

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A man with a sad expression.

Sometimes I feel sad.

A man's face with a happy expression.

This is okay. I can use tools to feel better.

A man with a smile holding a basketball in one hand and waving with his other hand.

When I’m sad, I stay active by exercising and moving my body.

A man with a happy expression wearing headphones.

I keep myself busy with fun activities like listening to music, playing games, and reading.

A man with a happy expression holding a basketball and waving his hand to the man next to him who has a smile on his face.

I talk to friends and family about how I feel.

A photo of a bed.

I sleep about 8 hours per night. Sleeping too much or too little will make me feel worse.

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A man crying with both hands raised at his face.

It can be hard to watch someone you love suffer from depression.

A man with a sad expression raising his hand to his face.

Depression is when your brain is not functioning as it should, very much like if you have a cold and do not feel as well as you usually do.

A calendar is shown.

Depression may last much longer than a cold because brains are very complicated.

A brain is shown.

The parts of the brain that make up feelings are not sending the right signals in the right way and is no one's fault.

A man with one hand raised above his head with an angry expression.

Depression can cause people to feel sad, lonely, angry, and tired.

A building with many windows is shown.

Going to work or school and doing the fun things that used to cause happiness are harder to do, and this may affect relationships.

A man with a sad expression saying

It is important to remember these feelings are not because of anything anyone else has done.

A finger pointing at a man with a sad expression on his face.

Try not to make someone who is depressed feel badly about how they are acting.

A man is walking passed three trees and the sun is out.

Try to say encouraging things and include them in your plans. "It's a beautiful day. Let's go for a walk in the park together."

A woman medical provider standing with a clipboard and an arrow pointing right.

Encourage those who are depressed to get help from a medical provider or counselor when needed.

A white cell phone.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness Helpline is 1-800-950-6264 or info@nami.org. They can help find a support group or provider.

A man standing with one hand on his hip and his other on his chin looking at a white cell phone.

Someone may feel so upset that they feel very, very hopeless. If you or someone you love talks about harming themselves, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255.

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.