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This resource explains icons you will see on Discord and what each of them is used for.
This button in the top left of Discord leads to your Direct Messages. You can see who of your friends is online, search/add new friends, and send direct messages. You can also view Nitro options and view the Shop from here. Under this button will be any servers you add.
To select servers, use this button. It also lets you add a server by either creating your own or using an invite.
At the bottom left of Discord is this button, which lets you look for
public servers to join. You can look through categories or search for any phrases/ terms you would be interested in. (Examples: Gaming,
Reading, Sewing)
Beside this button and to the right is your profile. From here you can change your icon and/or header, your profile description, your online status, and switch accounts if you have multiple.
To the right of your profile are these 3 buttons, which let you (from left to right) mute yourself, deafen sound, and enter the user settings page. If you are in a server, above your profile, the server’s channels will be listed.
This icon signifies a “rules” channel. You will probably have to read through this channel before you can access and/or send messages anywhere else. Make sure to pay attention to each server’s rules, as they can be different depending on the kind of server, you’re in.
Both of these icons signify a text channel. These are the majority of channels you will see, and are where people send messages to each other. If there is a lock beside the number sign, that means you do not have permission to send messages in that channel.
This bar to the right of your profile is how you send messages. Type in whatever you want to say, and press enter to send it. The plus sign lets you attach a file (whether it’s a photo, video, audio, or text file), the present icon lets you gift Nitro and other paid perks, the GIF icon lets you search for and send a GIF, the next icon lets you send stickers, and the last icon lets you add emojis to your message. If you do not have permission to send messages in whatever channel you’re viewing, this bar will be greyed out.
These icons near the top right of a channel header let you see different things. The first is the Threads button, which lets you view any Threads made in the current channel and/or create a new Thread in the current channel. The next icon is for Notification Settings, which you can adjust by channel, by server, or in user settings. The next icon is to view Pinned Messages. The next icon toggles the Member List, which if you have it visible lets you see all the members of a server, their roles, and who is currently online.
To the right is the Search bar, which lets you search a server, and two more icons. The first is your Inbox, which shows you any messages where you were mentioned. The other icon
is the Help icon, which opens the Discord Support page in your browser.