Crisis Services
ASERT does not offer crisis services through our Resource Center. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health distress or thoughts of suicide please call or text 988 for support.
ASERT does not offer crisis services through our Resource Center. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health distress or thoughts of suicide please call or text 988 for support.
You’re likely familiar with the saying, “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.” In our profession, it can seem easier to step in and provide someone with what we think he needs, rather than to teach new skills or to foster independent decision-making. It’s easy to slip into thinking that your job is to hand-hold or to prevent someone you support from making mistakes by trying new things their own way. You might even feel anxious about not performing your work properly unless you’re constantly in control or prompting behavior frequently. But in the long run, we do the people we support a disservice by stepping in too soon. By eliminating opportunities to make choices or learn, we restrict a person’s independence and reinforce dependence. Walking the fine line of providing support while promoting independence is critical.
This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.