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Functional Behavioral Assessment


Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is a student-centered team process used in instances when behavior negatively impacts a student’s learning or that of the student’s peers. Effective classroom management approaches based on FBA data and embedded within effective instructional design and delivery appropriately address the majority of behavioral issues occurring in classrooms. This brochure provides information about FBA.

Cartoon rendering of a checklist.FBA is an evidence-based process for gathering information to understand the function (purpose) of behavior in order to write an effective positive behavior support plan (Riffel, 2007). FBA has been used with students who have disabilities, as well as those who do not. The identification of the function or purpose of a behavior of concern guides a team through the development of function-based strategies. Function-based behavior plans are an effective method of eliminating behaviors of concern, developing positive proactive behaviors, and increasing academic achievement (Sprague & Golly, 2005; Umbreit, Ferro, Liaupsin, Lane, 2007).

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