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Gesturing: Social Story

Cartoon of man dancing Happily.

Sometimes I move my body when I am feeling calm or happy.

Cartoon of man Jumping in the air while some one claps their hands.

For example, I might clap my hands or jump when I feel happy.

Cartoon of man sitting on the floor rocking back an forth to feel calm.

Sometimes I might rock back and forth or spin to feel calm.

Cartoon of man standing with arms crossed, smiling.

Moving my body is called gesturing.

Cartoon of man moving hands as he talks.

Sometimes I might use gesturing without noticing what I am doing.

Cartoon of man asking a friend a question.

I can ask friends and family members if they have ever seen me gesturing.

Cartoon of man looking mad with hands in the air.

Sometimes I feel mad, upset, or other feelings that I do not like.

Cartoon of a restaurant and movie tickets.

These feelings make it hard for me to do other things I want to do.

Cartoon of a man with his hand in the air.

When I feel this way, I can practice gesturing.

cartoon of man jumping in the air while another man claps his hands.

I can use my gestures and movements that help me feel calm and relaxed.

Cartoon of a brain.

When I use gestures from when I feel calm and relaxed it can remind my brain and help me have better thoughts.

Cartoon of a graph going up and down.

Gesturing can help me stay in my Resilient or "OK" zone.

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.