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Going to the Doctor Social Story


These social stories were created to describe the various aspects of going to the doctor for individuals with autism.

Sometimes, I might have to go to the doctor.

A woman wearing a white coat and stethoscope and holding a clipboard.

The doctor is going to check my body to make sure I am healthy and strong.

A woman sitting at a front desk.

When we get to the front desk at the doctor's office, we will tell them my name.

A waiting room with three chairs.

Next, we will sit in the waiting room, where I can read a book or play with toys while I wait for my turn.

A person wearing a stethoscope saying

When it is my turn, the nurse will call my name and I will go into the exam room.

A person's feet standing on a scale.

The nurse will ask me to stand on a scale to measure my weight. She may ask me to take my shoes off.

A person standing against a ruler on the wall.

The nurse might ask me to stand straight by a wall to check how tall I am.

A blood pressure cuff around an arm.

The nurse might put a soft bracelet around my arm to check if I am healthy.

A person pumping up a blood pressure cuff.

Next, the nurse will squeeze a rubber ball in her hand to pump the air into the bracelet. I may feel some tightness around my arm. It will not be for long and it might feel tight.

A man standing next to a hand holding a thermometer.

The nurse might also take my temperature. She might use a thermometer that goes underneath my tongue or another device.

Two fingers checking a pulse.

The nurse might also check my pulse. She will take my wrist gently, then look at her watch and we will count 10 seconds together.

A person saying

Next, the nurse will leave and we will wait for the doctor to come in.

An examination table next to a stool.

When the doctor comes in, they might ask me to sit on an exam table. It is okay to sit on this table. Being up high helps the doctor to see me better.

A doctor saying

The doctor will ask how I am feeling. I can tell him if anything is wrong.

A man getting his ears checked.

The doctor might use a small light to look at my ears, mouth, or nose to make sure I am healthy.

A stethoscope.

The doctor will use a tool to listen to my heart.

A man having his heart listened to with a stethoscope.

The doctor will use the tool to listen to my lungs and ask me to take a few deep breaths.

A reflex hammer and a knee.

The doctor might also tap on my knees and feet to make sure they are working okay. This might make my leg jump and feel a little funny but it will not hurt.

A doctor asking

If anything is bothering me, like my stomach, the doctor might check that too.

A man standing next to an eye chart.

On some visits, the doctor or nurse might check my eye sight by having me look at charts or pictures.

A man surrounded by sound waves.

On some visits, the doctor or nurse might check hearing by looking in my ears. I may also need to wear headphones to listen to sounds to check my hearing.

A man standing next to a hand holding a syringe.

Sometimes, the nurse might give me a shot to keep me healthy. It might pinch but it will be over quickly.

A man with a sticker on his shirt that says

When we are all finished, the nurse or doctor might give me a sticker for being a good patient.

A woman sitting at a front desk saying

Then I will check out at the desk. Say goodbye and see you next time!

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.