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Not Feeling Well Social Story


This social story, developed by ASERT, describes how and when to tell someone when you are sick. An animated social story is also included.

Graphic of a boy blowing his nose, he is sick.

Feeling sick happens to everyone. Sometimes I feel sick.

Graphic of a boy with his hand on his head, he has a fever.

I may feel sick when something is not right with my body.

Graphic of a woman with her hands on her stomach, she is nauseous.

My stomach might ache or I might feel nauseous.

Graphic of a man coughing.

I might have a sore throat, or I might cough or sneeze.

Graphic of a man holding his head, he has a headache.

I might have a headache, body chills, or "shivers," or my body might feel very hot.

Graphic of two thermometers .

I can use a thermometer if I feel any of these things to see if I have a fever. I have a fever if the number on the thermometer is 100.4 degrees or higher.

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Graphic of a basketball hoop and a computer, a man in the foreground is sick.

If I am too sick to do the things I usually do, I should tell someone.

Graphic of a female Doctor, she is willing to help.

I can tell an adult, a friend, or a medical professional, like a doctor.

Graphic of a man holding his head, he is saying

I can tell them how my body is feeling so they know how to help me.

Graphic of two hands holding a cell phone.

If I can't talk about how I'm feeling, I can type on my phone or computer, or I can use pictures.

Graphic of a man holding his through, he is in pain.

I can also point to parts of my body that hurt or feel uncomfortable.

Graphic of a nurse welcoming you to the Doctors office.

Sometimes when I'm feeling sick, I might have to go to the doctor.

Graphic of a doctor examining a patient.

The doctor will ask me questions and touch parts of my body to help me.

Graphic of a sick boy saying

I may have to repeat things so the doctor can understand what I'm feeling.

A sick boy is talking to a doctor, he says

It is okay to repeat myself or ask my doctor questions if I don't understand.

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Graphic of Covid-19 virus.

Right now, some people are getting sick with a virus, called COVID-19, or coronavirus.

Graphic of a woman wearing a face mask, she looks worried.

Some people only feel a little sick. They might have a sore throat, muscle pain, diarrhea, or a stomach ache.

Graphic of doctor and a friend.

If I feel like this, I should tell a parent, friend, or doctor.

Graphic of a woman sneezing into a tissue.

Some people who get this virus feel very sick. They have a fever or a cough, and they can have a very hard time breathing.

Graphic of woman Holding her phone, she is telling people she is very sick.

If I feel very sick like this, I need to tell a parent, or doctor right away.

Graphic of a woman sitting at home being sick. She is contagious.

I should stay in my home until my doctor tells me it’s okay so I do not give other people this sickness.

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.