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Parole Hearing - Social Stories

What is Parole?

Graphic of an individual behind bars. They are in jail.

Parole is when a prisoner is allowed to leave prison early.

Graphic of a man walking out of Jail.

Parole lets prisoners finish their sentence outside of prison.

Graphic of a legal document from the court.

A prisoner can only apply for parole when they become eligible.

Graphic of a man with check boxes next to him.

Eligibility for parole depends on the type of crime, length of prison sentence, and behavior of the prisoner.

Graphic of a calendar with a date marked.

When a prisoner is near their parole eligibility date they will submit an application.

Graphic of a legal form being filled out.

A parole application is a written request for parole.

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Before a Parole Hearing

Graphic of a courthouse with a large Gavel in front of it.

If my application for parole is accepted I will have a parole board hearing.

Graphic of a judge, a police officer and a prisoner.

Correctional officials make up the parole board and will be at the hearing.

Graphic of a young person talking to a police officer and a lawyer.

Before the hearing I can have correction officers, the parole agent, or other prison staff can review the process with me.

Graphic of a man sitting at a court desk with a parole office.

The parole agent can help me before and after the parole board hearing.

Graphic of a man practicing what to say at his parole hearing.

I may be able to practice for the hearing ahead of time, so I can be prepared.

Graphic of a man taking notes of what to say at his parole hearing.

I can ask the parole agent ahead of time if I can write down what I want to say.

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During the Parole Hearing

Graphic of a parole hearing being conducted in person and in a virtual format.

My parole hearing may be in person or virtual.

Graphic of a parole agent speaking to a parole board.

My parole agent and the parole board will discuss my crimes.

Graphic of a police officer talking to a parole board.

The parole board will also hear about my behavior in prison.

Graphic of a person showing their brain and heart.

The parole board may ask about my mental and physical health.

Graphic of an apartment building and of a private house.

They may ask where I will live and if I plan to work.

Graphic of a man speaking to the Parole board, he is saying

I can share my autism diagnosis with the parole board if I want.

Graphic of a man talking to the Parole Board, he is asking the board to explain things to him.

If I don’t understand something during my hearing it is okay to ask the hearing examiner to explain.

Graphic of a man talking to his parole agent.

If I am granted parole, my parole agent will help me get ready to be released and explain the rules I have to follow after I am released.

Graphic of a man applying for a job.

A parole agent can also help find housing, employment and other support.

Graphic of a parole request that has been denied, and a calendar.

If I am not granted parole, I will be eligible for another parole hearing at a later date.

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What is Parole? This Social Story discusses what to expect if you are on Parole. pdf Download file: What is Parole?
Before a Parole Hearing This resource provides information on how you should prepare for your parole hearing. pdf Download file: Before a Parole Hearing
During the Parole hearing This resource provides information about that to expect during a parole hearing. pdf Download file: During the Parole hearing