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Social Distancing Social Story


This resource provides a visual guide for individuals with autism about social distancing and why it's important when people are sick. This resource has also been translated into Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and Chinese. An animated version is also available.

A sick boy coughing into a tissue is shown to the left of a man.

When lots of people are sick, social distancing can help me stay healthy.

A cartoon rendering of a city.

Social distancing means staying away from busy places and other people.

A man with a frown on his face.

Activities, events or school may be cancelled to keep people healthy.

A guitar and golf club and ball inside a red circle with line across it.

I may not be able to do my normal activities.

A cartoon rendering of a house.

I may need to stay at home so I can stay healthy.

A man with an angry expression.

I may get upset or frustrated about not being able to do my normal activities.

A book, a playing card, and a game controller.

It will be okay and I can find other fun things to do at home.

A cartoon rendering of a calendar.

It may be a few weeks before I can go back to my normal activities.

A doctor giving a thumbs up.

I will be able to go back to my normal activities when doctors say it's safe.

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A sick boy coughing into a tissue is shown to the left of a man.

Cuando muchas personas están enfermas, el distanciamiento social puede ayudarme a mantenerme sano.

A cartoon rendering of a city.

El distanciamiento social significa mantenerse alejado de lugares concurridos y de otras personas.

A man with a frown on his face.

Para mantener a las personas sanas, pueden cancelarse actividades, eventos o las clases en las escuelas.

A guitar and golf club and ball inside a red circle with line across it.

Es posible que no pueda hacer mis actividades habituales.

A cartoon rendering of a house.

Es posible que deba quedarme en casa para permanecer sano.

A man with an angry expression.

Es posible que me sienta disgustado o frustrado por no poder hacer mis actividades habituales.

A book, a playing card, and a game controller.

Eso está bien, y puedo encontrar otras cosas divertidas para hacer en casa.

A cartoon rendering of a calendar.

Pueden pasar algunas semanas antes de que pueda volver a realizar mis actividades habituales.

A doctor giving a thumbs up.

Podré volver a realizar mis actividades habituales cuando los médicos digan que es seguro.

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A sick boy coughing into a tissue is shown to the left of a man.

يصبح العزل الاجتماعي أمرًا ضروريًا للحفاظ على صحتي عند انتشار المرض بين الناس.

A cartoon rendering of a city.

يعني العزل الاجتماعي الابتعاد عن الأماكن المزدحمة والأفراد الآخرين.

A man with a frown on his face.

ربما تُلغى الأنشطة والفعاليات وتُغلق المدارس للحفاظ على صحة الأفراد.

A guitar and golf club and ball inside a red circle with line across it.

ربما يؤدي ذلك إلى عدم استطاعتي القيام بالأنشطة الاعتيادية.

A cartoon rendering of a house.

ربما أحتاج إلى المكوث في المنزل حتى أحافظ على صحتي.

A man with an angry expression.

ربما أشعر بالإحباط أو الغضب من عدم قدرتي على ممارسة أنشطتي الاعتيادية.

A book, a playing card, and a game controller.

سيكون الأمر على ما يرام، فيمكنني إيجاد أنشطة أخرى ممتعة أقوم بها في المنزل.

A cartoon rendering of a calendar.

ربما تمر عدة أسابيع قبل أن أعود مرة أخرى إلى ممارسة أنشطتي الاعتيادية.

A doctor giving a thumbs up.

سأستطيع العودة لممارسة أنشطتي الاعتيادية عندما يقول الأطباء أن الأجواء قد أصبحت آمنة.

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A sick boy coughing into a tissue is shown to the left of a man.

При большом количестве заболевших социальное дистанцирование может помочь мне не заболеть.

A cartoon rendering of a city.

Социальное дистанцирование — это избегание людных мест и контактов с другими людьми.

A man with a frown on his face.

С целью сохранения здоровья людей могут быть отменены мероприятия и занятия в школах.

A guitar and golf club and ball inside a red circle with line across it.

Мой обычный распорядок может нарушиться.

A cartoon rendering of a house.

Возможно, чтобы не заболеть, мне придется оставаться дома.

A man with an angry expression.

Меня может расстроить или вывести из равновесия нарушение моего обычного распорядка.

A book, a playing card, and a game controller.

В этом нет ничего страшного, и дома я смогу найти много других интересных дел.

A cartoon rendering of a calendar.

Может случиться так, что к своему обычному распорядку я вернусь только через несколько недель.

A doctor giving a thumbs up.

Я смогу вернуться к своей обычной повседневной деятельности после того, как врачи скажут, что это безопасно.

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A sick boy coughing into a tissue is shown to the left of a man.


A cartoon rendering of a city.

社交距离 (Social Distancing) 意味着远离人群聚集的场所以及远离他人。

A man with a frown on his face.


A guitar and golf club and ball inside a red circle with line across it.


A cartoon rendering of a house.


A man with an angry expression.


A book, a playing card, and a game controller.


A cartoon rendering of a calendar.


A doctor giving a thumbs up.


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Name Description Type File
Social Distancing: Russian Social story translated into Russian pdf Download file: Social Distancing: Russian
Social Distancing: Chinese Social story translated into Chinese pdf Download file: Social Distancing: Chinese
Social Distancing: Spanish Social story translated into Spanish pdf Download file: Social Distancing: Spanish
Social Distancing: Arabic Social story translated into Arabic pdf Download file: Social Distancing: Arabic

This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.