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Social Story: Custody Hearing, What to Expect


This social story was created by ASERT to explain the process of a custody hearing to individuals with autism.

Graphic of a broken heart.

When parents decide not to be married anymore, this is called a divorce.

Graphic of a marriage breaking up, a little girl is in the middle.

A divorce is not my fault.

Graphic of a man and a woman arguing.

My parents might be sad or angry.

Graphic of a girl siting hugging her knees, she is feeling anxious and confused.

I might feel sad, angry, anxious, and confused. It's okay to have these feelings.

Graphic of girl getting ready to go to court, she is confused.

My parents may not on agree on where I should live and how much time I get to spend with each of them. The court will need to decide. This is called a custody hearing.

Graphic of a girl playing with her mom one day and her dad another.

The time I spend with each parent is called "custody".

Graphic of a girl talking to a court appointed councilor.

Someone from the court, called a guardian ad litem, might ask how I feel and where I want to live. It's important that I tell this person the truth about how I feel.

Graphic of a councilor recommending to the court what is best for the girl.

The guardian ad litem will tell the judge about what is best for me.

Graphic of the judge asking a girl questions.

The judge might ask me how I feel and they might want to talk to me in their office. It's important I am honest with the judge about how I feel.

Graphic of a judge making her decision.

The judge will make a decision on what they thinks is best for me.

Graphic of a woman and a man living in different houses.

There will be some changes in where I live and how much I see each of my parents.

Graphic of a man a and a woman standing apart with a little girl in the middle, the girl is sad.

I need to remember that both of my parents love me and will help me with the changes.

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.