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10 Tips for Voters with Disabilities

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This resource from the US Election Assistance Commission provides tips about the voting process and options available to help voters with disabilities vote privately and independently.

1. Learn More About Voting

Call, visit, or email your State or local elections office well in advance of election day. Visit the elections office’s Web site for more information about accessible voting.

Familiarize yourself with:

  • The voting laws in your State
  • Voter registration deadlines
  • Other deadlines, such as for early voting and absentee ballot requests
  • The ballot
  • The accessible voting machine
  • Alternative voting options, such as having someone accompany you to the polling place
  • The accessibility of the polling place
  • The candidates
  • Ballot propositions

See links to state elections offices here

2. Register to Vote

Your local elections office can help you register and answer any questions you may have. Be aware of registration deadlines. Contact your local office well before election day. Many States now offer online voter registration on their websites. After you register, double-check the accuracy of your registration, such as your address and party affiliation.

Register online here

3. Choose the Right Voting Method for You

There are several voting options available:

You can vote at your designated local polling place on election day. Many state also offer early voting, before election day, or absentee voting, so you can receive and return your absentee ballot through the mail. Some States offer permanent absentee voting. If you encounter a registration issue on election day, Federal law allows you to vote with a provisional ballot and vote the ballot independently.

4. Communicate Your Needs in Advance

Identifying your needs may help you and your elections office. Consider contacting your local elections office about voting options for voters with disabilities. The election office can provide information about accessible machines and other voting methods. On election day, alert poll workers about your accessibility needs.

5. Check the Location and Accessibility of Your Polling Place

Your State or local elections office can tell you the location of your polling place. It will also have information about pollling place accessibility. Inquire about the location’s accessible voting equipment. Remember, planning ahead will help you identify possible transportation, parking and other accessibility needs.

See an example voting location locator tool

6. Know Your Rights

Under The Help America Vote Act, you have the right to vote privately and independently. The Americans with Disabilities Act has been interpreted as setting the tone for polling place and ballot access in certain situations. Consider reaching out to organizations that support voters with disabilities. Several online resources provided by organizations for people with disabilities exist to assist voters with disabilities.

Get accessibility resources from EAC

7. Follow Up With the Elections Office After You Vote

Election officials want to hear about your experience with accessible voting. After election day, tell your elections office about your experience voting, whether it was positive or in need of improvement. Many elections offices have committees for voters with disabilities. Consider getting involved.

8. Know Who Can Help if Voting is Not Accessible

Contact your State or local elections office with your specific concerns, and also consider speaking with organizations that support people with disabilities.

Contact the Department of Justice Voting Rights Division

9. Stay Informed

After you vote, sign up for email and text alerts to stay connected with your local elections office. Consider getting involved directly. Join a community engagement committee for voters with disabilities or offer your assistance as a poll worker.

10. Get More Information

Your local elections office might be able to connect you with organizations in  your area that support people with disabilities. These groups often provide transportation to the polls and help identify the accessibility of polling places. Internet resources exist to help voters with disabilities find ballot and candidate information. Your local library, newspapers, and other news outlets will also have information about election day.

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This resource created by U.S. Election Assistance Commission