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Washing the Dishes Social Story


This resource developed by ASERT helps individuals learn how to wash the dishes by hand.

Dishes are soapy and being washed by gloved hands holding sponges.

Washing the dishes is important.

A picture of different sponges, dish soap, and a plate.

I need to wash the dishes I use. It is part of being responsible.

Dirty dishes are beside a sink.

I gather the dirty dishes near my sink.

A sink is being filled with water until it is full but not overflowing.

I fill the sink with warm water. I make sure the water does not overflow the sink.

Dish soap is added to the water in the sink so that there are some bubbles.

I add dish soap into the water. I add enough so the water has some bubbles but not too many.

Dirty dishes and cutlery are put into the sink in the soapy water.

I put the dirty dishes into the soapy water. If the water begins to overflow, I need to drain some of it out.

A gloved hand cleans a dirty dish with soapy water and a sponge.

I use a sponge or washcloth to wash the dishes.

A gloved hand continues cleaning a dish with soap and a sponge until it is completely clean.

I wipe the entire dish, cleaning off all the dirty spots.

A gloved hand rinses the clean dish with clean water in the sink.

When the dish is clean, I rinse it off with clean water.

Clean dishes are put on a drying rack.

When the soap is off the dish, I place it in a drying rack or dry it with a clean towel.

A gloved hand cleans a dish with soap and a sponge until it is completely clean.

I do this with each dish.

Clean, dry dishes are put away in a cupboard.

I put the dishes away when they are dry.

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.