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Crisis Services

ASERT does not offer crisis services through our Resource Center. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health distress or thoughts of suicide please call or text 988 for support.

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Author: Brian Dixon

Tracking: Social Story

This resource visually explains Tracking, a technique used to pay closer attention to thoughts and feelings.

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Trauma and Sleep Problems: Social Story

This resource visually explains how trauma can affect sleep.

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Visiting a Retirement Community Social Story

Sometimes when people get older they need extra help and might need to live in a retirement community. This social story prepares an individual for what it might be like to visit such a place.

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What is Resilience: Social Story

This resource, developed by ASERT, provides a visual explanation of what resilience means.

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What is Trauma: Social Story

This resource provides a visual explanation of trauma and the feelings associated with it.

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What is Trauma?

Trauma may happen directly to people. An example of direct trauma is someone having an accident. If a person sees something happen to someone else it may cause trauma. An example of this is seeing someone have an accident.

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When I’m In The Low Zone: Social Story

This social story provides information about how to recognize when you are feeling down and recommendations about what you can do to feel better.

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Why is Resilience Important?

Project Reassure Direct Support Professionals. Resilience allows individuals to be flexible when something happens. They can think about what happened to them and learn to how to change, respond, and heal.

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