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Crisis Services

ASERT does not offer crisis services through our Resource Center. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health distress or thoughts of suicide please call or text 988 for support.

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Site: PAAutism

Wearing a Mask Social Story

This resource provides a visual guide for individuals with autism about wearing a mask to avoid spreading germs. The resource includes why it's important to wear a mask, as well as information about how to safely wear and remove masks. The resource is translated into Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, and Burmese. An animated version is also available.

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What are suicidal thoughts?: A social story

This resource developed by ASERT provides a visual explanation of what suicidal thoughts are and what to do if someone is having them.

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What is Discord?

This resource explains the online platform called Discord.

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What is Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q) Social Story

This resource developed by ASERT provides a visual guide to help explain the Independent Monitoring for Quality Process (IM4Q). The resource is available in Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, and Burmese.

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What is Menstruation?

This resource for individuals with autism explains the process of menstruation and its symptoms, as well as how to manage having your period.

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What is Resilience: Social Story

This resource, developed by ASERT, provides a visual explanation of what resilience means.

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What is Trauma: Social Story

This resource provides a visual explanation of trauma and the feelings associated with it.

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What is Trauma?

Trauma may happen directly to people. An example of direct trauma is someone having an accident. If a person sees something happen to someone else it may cause trauma. An example of this is seeing someone have an accident.

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What to Do if You Get Pulled Over

This resource developed by ASERT helps individuals know what to do if they get pulled over by the police.

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What to do if your SSI benefits were cut off when you turned 18

When you turn 18, the Social Security Administration (SSA) reviews your case to see if you still meet the requirements to receive SSI. The rules change when you turn 18, and some people lose their benefits.

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