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Crisis Services

ASERT does not offer crisis services through our Resource Center. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health distress or thoughts of suicide please call or text 988 for support.

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Site: PAAutism

County Government Offices

This resource is a locator for each county's government resources including County Assistance Offices, Offices of Vocational Rehabilitation, Intermediate Units, Crisis Intervention, and County MH/ID/EI.

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Differences Between Secondary and Post-Secondary Educational Settings

These information sheets highlight some of the differences in disability laws as well as expectations of students and teachers as they relate to secondary and post-secondary educational settings.

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Early Childhood Resource Collection

This collection of resources covers different topics related to early childhood including information on developmental milestones, signs of autism, early intervention services, and resources for families of young children who were recently diagnosed with autism.

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Elwyn’s Philadelphia Resource List for Autism and Special Needs

This guide for parents and professionals in the Philadelphia area lists resources and information in the local area.

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Foster Care Social Story

This social story created by ASERT describes the various aspects of foster care to individuals with autism.

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Guardianship & Legal Resources

This resource is a collection of information about guardianship and things to consider when determining the type of guardianship to pursue, the warning signs of abuse of power of attorney or guardianship, Supported Decision Making and how it can be used, and definitions of common legal terms you may encounter when discussing legal guardianship, power of attorney, or other legal proceedings.

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Guidance Concerning Air Travelers with Developmental Disabilities

This document is a guide to the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) with respect to passengers with developmental disabilities. It serves as a brief but authoritative source of information for passengers with developmental disabilities as well as airlines about the services, facilities, and accommodations required by the ACAA and the provisions of Part 382.

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Health Insurance Helplines

This is a list of organizations that can help you if you’re looking for health insurance, including Medicaid. These organizations can help you with the process and answer your questions. Some of the organizations can even help you apply!

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Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Advocacy

This website provides information and resources related to the new Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) settings rule and what each state is doing to meet these requirements.

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IEP Tip Sheets

This resource includes Individual Education Plan tip sheets for families for several languages.

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