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ASERT does not offer crisis services through our Resource Center. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental health distress or thoughts of suicide please call or text 988 for support.

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Parents and Caregivers

Raising a loved one with autism presents some unique challenges for those entrusted with their care. ASERT is here to support, inform, and empower parents and caregivers of individuals on the spectrum.

Check out some of our top resources highlighted below, or search through the hundreds of resources available for parents and caregivers!

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Resource Collection

This collection of resources provides information on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) including: an introduction to ABA, how you can tell if your child is receiving ABA services, what to consider when choosing a provider, information on insurance coverage for ABA services and more.

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Be Safe Resource Collection

This is a collection of resources from various sources on the topic of safety for individuals with autism. This resource provides information on how to prevent harm and intervention techniques for when safety is compromised.

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Medicaid Waivers for Individuals with Autism

This page is about Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers in Pennsylvania. HCBS Waivers are a type of Medicaid program that provides long-term services and supports to groups of people who need support to live in their communities.

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Emergency Preparedness Shelter Toolkits

These trauma-informed sensory positive toolkits were developed in partnership with the PA Department of Human Services for the purpose of informing self-advocates, shelter staff/volunteers, families, caregivers, and Direct Support Professionals (DSP) on how to best support persons with sensory needs, including individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism in a disaster shelter setting. These toolkits are available to download, print, and share.

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Search within Parents and Caregivers resources

Autism Speaks Toilet Training Toolkit

Oftentimes, the challenges faced by children with autism can make toilet training especially difficult. Understanding these challenges can help you come up with different ways to meet your child’s needs and teach him or her to use the toilet.

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Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit

The Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit will help guide you on the journey from adolescence to adulthood.

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Autism Speaks: 100 Day Kit for Young Children

This link will take you to a page where you can download a free toolkit explaining what parents need to begin learning about after their child's diagnosis of autism.

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Autism Speaks: Parent’s Guide to Employment for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Speaks has created a guide for parents to help them understand how they can support their adult child with autism through the employment process.

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Autism Takes Flight 2014

An educational video produced by the Autism Society of Pittsburgh in cooperation with Delta Airlines, the Transportation Security Administration, and the Allegheny County Airport Authority which provides tips on how to fly with an individual with autism.

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Avoid Coronavirus Scams

This resource from the Federal Trade Commission provides information on avoiding Coronavirus scams.

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Back to School Tips

Going back to school can be a stressful time for both parents and students. For children with ASD this can be an especially stressful time of year. The following tips may be helpful to families who are transitioning into the new school year.

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Be Safe: General Prevention Resources

These resources, part of the Be Safe resource collection focused on preventing sexual abuse and assault and supporting individuals who may have experienced sexual abuse or assault, contains general information about how to prevent sexual abuse or assault. Topics include identifying and reporting abuse in children, signs of abuse, risk and protective factors, educating about abuse, why abuse isn't always reported and pathways to victimization.

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Be Safe: Intervention Resources for Caregivers

These resources are designed to provide information and tips on how to provide support to individuals with autism who may have experienced sexual abuse or assault. There are general resources that are appropriate for all ages and developmental levels, as well as specific resources for caregivers, professionals and individuals with autism.

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Be Safe: Prevention Resources for Caregivers

These resources, part of the Be Safe Resource collection, provides general information about how to prevent sexual abuse and assault for caregivers. These resources are specifically designed for caregivers and focus on: talking to children about puberty, sex and sexuality, teaching community safety skills, teaching sexual health and safety, institutional abuse, and grooming.

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